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Guidance Department

Welcome to the LAMS Guidance Department 


Ms. Samantha Elias, School Counselor,, ext. 3112

Ms. Carrie Kenny, Social Worker,, ext. 3110

Mrs. Kathy Goldberg, Guidance Secretary,, ext. 3138

Have you met our Substitute School Counselor, Mrs. Helaine Drouin?  She is here for the remainder of the school year and we are excited to have her with us!  She can be reached at -

610-377-6535, etc. 3113.


News and Information-


Applications to CCTI for the 2025-2026 school year are due to the Middle School Guidance Office on February 19th.   While the applications are not due to CCTI until March 1st, our Middle School Guidance Department needs time to attach additional required documents. The course handbook has been emailed to all 8th grade students.  You may also come to the Guidance Office to pick up an application.

8th Grade Course Selection for LAHS-

A meeting will be held on March 3, 2025 during the school day at which time 8th grade students will be given information and instructions on how to chose their 9th grade Lehighton Area High School classes for the 2025-26 school year.  Additional details will be announced soon.


vector drawing in doodle style. school building. simple line drawing, sketch. theme back to school


2024-25 Course Requirements and Electives






In order to be eligible to receive Honor Roll Status:

DISTINGUISHED HONORS: students must have a 95 GPA with no Marking Period FINAL grade lower than a 90

HONOR ROLL: students must have an 88 GPA with no Marking Period FINAL grade lower than an 83

An “incomplete” makes a student ineligible for any honors list.

President's Award for Educational Excellence
This award recognizes academic success in the classroom. To be eligible, students must meet
requirements, including grade point average, school-set criteria and choice of state tests.
- Grade Point Average: Students are to earn a grade point average of 90 on a 100-point
scale. When computing grade point averages at the respective award level, only the years
at that level are to be included through the fall semester of the exiting grade.
- In addition to A, schools are to include the following criteria to determine their selected
- State Tests and Nationally-Normed Achievement Tests: High achievement in
reading OR math on state tests or nationally-normed tests. State test results are
determined by the most recent test scores.
President's Award for Educational Achievement
This award recognizes students that show outstanding educational growth, improvement,
commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects but do not meet the criteria
for the Educational Excellence Award. Its purpose is to encourage and reward students who give
their best effort, often in the face of special obstacles.
Criteria for this award is developed at each school.
This award is given at the Principal's discretion based on the criteria developed at the school. The
criteria should reflect the purpose of the award and must be applied fairly to all students.
The following are examples of criteria for which the Award for Educational
Achievement may be presented:
- Student’s class rank must fall within the top 20% of their grade and/or demonstrates
achievements in the fine or performing arts, with a letter of recommendation from an arts
- Demonstrate unusual commitment to learning in academics despite various obstacles.
-Maintain a school record that would have met the school's selection criteria for the
President's Award for Educational Excellence but illness, personal crisis, or special needs
prevented the student from maintaining such high standards despite hard work.


Students:  If you would like to schedule a time to meet with Ms. Elias please complete the google form below: