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Welcome to our Building

About Us

The Lehighton Area Middle School is home to students in grades 6th-8th.  Each grade level is split into two teams, Maroon Team and White Team.  We are excited to welcome all of our students back to school for the 2024-2025 school year! 

News & Announcements

The Lehighton Area Middle School PTO's annual Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser begins on Tuesday, February 4th.  This is PTO's biggest fundraiser which will fund the 6th-8th grade students' field trip this school year.

As in years past, everyone will have an opportunity to order through the paper packet which was given to your student, or another option is to order online.

  • Ordering with paper order form - Please make sure totals are correct and money is submitted with the order form. (Cash is accepted, as well as checks or money order made payable to LAMS PTO.)
  • For online orders, the ORGANIZATION ID is Lehighton Area MS, or ORGANIZATION ID# 112184.  (Orders will be delivered to the Middle School, or you can choose to have it shipped directly to your home.)

Fundraiser timeline:  February 4 through February 21, 2025

Orders are due:  Friday, February 21st

Letter to parents: GertrudeHawkfundraiserletter2025.jpg

Online information: GertrudeHawkonlineinfo2025.jpg

Orders will be distributed the week of March 31-April 4, 2025 (exact date TBD).

Intramurals is an after-school event that takes place immediately after dismissal until 3:30pm.  If your student is interested in participating, an emergency form must be received.  Packets are in the main office for those students which to participate for this Winter season.

Starting February 10th, Intramurals will take place on scheduled dates from 2:30-3:30pm.  A schedule will be provided to students who attend, and dates will also appear on the Middle School's website under "Daily Bulletin".

In the event a day would be cancelled, an announcement will be made to students.

It is time to pre-order your 2024-2025 yearbook.

Order forms will be sent home with students on Friday, November 1, 2024.  Instructions for ordering by phone, by mail, or online are included, along with pre-order pricing information. (Orders will not be accepted at the school.)

Be sure to secure your copy of the yearbook by Monday, December 2, 2024, to get it at the reduced price.  After December 2nd, the price will increase.

Shout Outs to students may also be purchased.  If you order a shout out, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete it.  Should you have any questions, contact Mrs. Lusch at or Mrs. Smith at

There will not be any extra yearbooks at the end of the school year so if your student is interested in a yearbook, please make sure you pre-order one.



Did you know LAMS participates in the Box Tops for Education program?  Did you know LAMS has a really beautiful Environmental Center for students?  Funds raised through the Box Tops for Education program goes towards the upkeep of our Environmental Center.  If you wish to participate in Box Tops for Education, visit

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